Update on 27 September 2021: The movie is now available in 3D and IMAX 3D in India.
Are you also not able to find Marvel’s Shang-Chi 3D Tickets in India? Then you are not alone. Shang-Chi 3D release in India is not happening. Find out why it is not available in a 3D viewing format and Will it happen with all upcoming Hollywood movies?
Shang-Chi will NOT have 3D Release in India
Search for any big city in India and you will not find a 3D screening for Marvel’s Shang-Chi. This confirms that Shang-Chi will not have a 3D release in India.
Marvel’s first big movie in theatres after two years will only be available in 2D format. By the way, Shang-Chi is opening in India on September 03.
You might be thinking that this is because of the pandemic situation. But Akshay Kumar’s Bell Bottom movie is also running right now in 3D. Also, some theatres initially opened with 3D tickets for Shang-Chi but then updated them later to 2D only. So, the main reason is something else.
What is the reason behind this?
While ‘Shang-Chi’ is available in 3D in other countries, but not in India. The main reason is a dispute between Indian theatre owners and producers regarding the profit-sharing of 3D glasses charges.
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When you buy a movie ticket, the revenue is shared between theatres and producers. But in most multiplexes right now, the 3D charges are also included in the ticket price.
So, the issue is both the parties are not agreeing on how the 3D charges will be split between them. This resulted in Cinema halls skipping the 3D viewings completely.
Future Hollywood movies in 3D?

I understand that Theatres are still not open in many parts of India, so fans who can watch it in at least 2D are lucky. But what if this happens with future Hollywood movies in India?
If this problem between theatre owners and distributors does not get resolved soon, it will result in no future Hollywood movies being released in 3D. If one big Hollywood movie company can’t get a deal done with theatres, it is likely that other Hollywood movies will follow.
Other Formats to Watch Shang-Chi
While ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ movie is not available in 3D here, there are other great ways to watch it in big cities like Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata.
If available in your city, watch it in IMAX. This movie has a 100% footage in full 1.90:1 Aspect Ratio. IMAX provides 26% extra footage compared to a normal screen.
It is also available in 4DX format but without the 3D and only with some limited features.
Also, you can go for a Dolby Atmos screening for a better Sound experience.
But still, 3D is preferred by many Indian Superhero Fans like us. These big VFX Action movies are great to watch with the 3D effect. I saw many fans online willing to pay extra money for that. So, both parties should solve this dispute as soon as possible.
So, now you know why Shang-Chi is not having a 3D release in India. Hopefully, the issue will get resolved soon and we will start experiencing our favourite superhero movies in our favourite format next time.
And if you don’t know who I am? I am Ranish Chauhan a.k.a. Fulmino Fan, and I make videos about Marvel & DC superheroes in Hindi. You can check my YouTube channel for some amazing videos for Indian SuperHero Fans.